College Credit Plus

Plans For College

At Four County Career Center, CCP (College Credit Plus) is offered for a variety of programs, including the one I am enrolled in. There is a specific college that the CCP for Four County is elligable for, Northwest State Community College. Many CCP Courses are available from there, including but not limited to ones involving computer science and STEM. I am personally interrested in CCP, as I plan on attending college after I graduate high school, so it would benefit me quite a bit. I plan on taking a math elective, Composition 1, and java programming. I have listed a few Courses offered at Northwest State, in case you are interrested.

CCP information
Main Courses
Course Name Course Number Credits
1 Database Management CIT109 4
2 C# Programming CIT161 4
3 Java Programming CIT165 4
4 Python Programming EET107 3
5 Internet Scripting CIT108 4
6 Computer Operations CIT191 3
Optional Courses
1 Microsoft Apps CIT114 3
2 CCP Math Elective 3
3 Composition I ENG111 3
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