Jordan Sickmiller's Web Page

Me and My Hobbies

My name is Jordan Sickmiller. I like to go camping with my friends, we usually will fish, swim, and have campfires. I also like to play backyard sports with my neighboors such as 2 on 2 football or baseball. My favorite games to play are GTA RP and The Last of Us.
I also like to build and upgrade PCs when I can. My neighboors and I also like making our own sports with my favorite being a mix betwen soccer and football. The game is just soccer but using a big yoga ball and you are allowed to tackle the other team.

Picture of Jordan Sickmiller.

My Top 5 Games

  1. GTA RP
  2. Black Ops 2
  3. The Last of Us Part 1
  4. The Last of Us Part 2
  5. Subnautica

Home Town and Family

I was born in Wauseon, Ohio and have lived there ever since. I live less then five minutes away from the Fulton County Fair. I live with my mom, dad and sister. I have two dogs and a cat. I work at the Wauseon Marathon right next to Auto Zone.
I've worked there for about three years and have been a manager for about two. I started right after I turned 14 and have been working ever since. I usually get about 20 hours a week.

Why I Joined this Class

I've always have been interested about how to code websites and video games. My goal in life is to make a video game that is enjoyable. I'd also like to work for some type of game company with my goal being Treyarch.
I have already taken a class in Wauseon called Web Design where we made multiple websites. I've tried making a game using Unreal Engine 5 but I didn't know how to actually create models. I ended up just having a world and some buildings but nothing to do but walk around. By the end of Four County I hope to be able to make a working game with the knowlege from my teacher Mr. Geiger.

My Favorites