My Two Favorite Hobbies

First Favorite: Karate

Where I am at Today

Currently in 2024 I have just tested for my yellow belt in October. It is a big step for me and those who do the tested for their next belt in the same test as I did. For the new yellow belts where I train, which there is two of us, we can do the advanced class, where we can dig a little bit deeper on how to apply our skills from the basic class. We also get to do something call Kobudo, or otherwise known as "Old Martial Arts" or weapons in Japanese. First Kobudo class we learned Nunchaku or "nunchucks", let's just say I hit my elbow a couple of times trying to get the Nunchaku katas down. To me karate is something that I enjoy doing whenever I can. No matter what happened before you step onto the floor of the dojo all you can do is tune it out and focus on your karate training. Everyones karate training journey is different and that's ok.

Something I have learned for the 2 years that I have been doing karate and it was something my Sensei has said. He said "If you want something in life you have to fight for it even when you are on the ground, you get back up and push through it and say 'Bring it on!'" I try to use in what he has said but in my own way, where if I want something so bad I will chase it until I have achieved what I have been chasing, and I won't give it up no matter how hard the journey to get to that point I will fight whatever comes my way that will try and stop me form achieving whatever that I'm chasing.

Facts about Shorin-ryu Shorinkan

The Nihanchi Kata is believed to be practiced in the 1400s, where reseachers have found some recordings of the moves of the kata. Nihanchi is divided into 3 Katas, Nihanchi Shodan, Nihanchi Nidan, and Nihanchi Sandan. Everyone knows what nunchucks are, in Okinawa they're not called nunchucks. They're called "nunchuku", nunckucks are really not called nunchucks at all.